Sunday, May 14, 2006

Bitten by the Baghdad “Bug”

Living abroad finally caught up to me this week. On Tuesday I found myself fighting off bad stomach cramps and a fever. By Thursday, I was dealing with some nastiness that I won’t get into. By midnight last night, I walked into the Army hospital down the road and let the good people there take over.

Apparently a very nasty virus code named the “Baghdad Bug” is making its way throughout the ranks in the IZ. I didn’t even have to tell the nurse my symptoms. She had seen it many times already.

I ended up get 3 liters of fluids pumped into me by an IV tube and was sent home with antibiotics. Ended up having to go back there in the morning for some more help. My boss gave me the day to rest and get my strength back up. I slept for a couple of hours this afternoon and now I’m starting to feel human again.

While I was in the hospital last night, an Iraqi mother and her small daughter came in. They had both been hit by shrapnel. I felt rather embarrassed for being there when I saw how badly the mother and girl were hurt. But what really left an impression on me was the manner in which they were treated.

I’m sure you have all seen TV hospital shows where everyone jumps into action as the ambulance arrives at the ER. Well this is exactly what occurred last night. It was amazing to see all of the US Army doctors and nurses work as a team to help them; the little girl in particular.

When I left the hospital, the mother was walking on her own and the little girl seemed to be getting all the help that she needed.

This may not be something you hear about too much on the news, but rest assured that the members of your military are doing great things for the people of this nation.

All for now.


At 5:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better!!!Have really enjoyed following your comments and pictures!! Just found out how to respond. Take care and be safe!!!

At 6:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great story...


At 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better, Billy. I'm really enjoying keeping up with you.
Love you,

At 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Bill,

Glad to see the mustache is gone!
It just wasn't you that's for sure!
It was great meeting Aunt Joy a couple of weeks ago. She's alot of fun. Tomorrow is it for school;Gabri's doing great...we'll miss her next year. We talk about you and how your doing alot.

Stay safe
Shelley, Jeanie and the Frogs

At 6:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know Gabri will miss her Miss Shelley & Miss Jeanie, too! She adores you both! It was great meeting you, too, after hearing so much about you. And now we can ALL go on with our lives, now that the 'STACHE is gone...we have nothing to be afraid of! ;)
Take care,

At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.

At 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.


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