Sunday, April 09, 2006

Dinner at the Palace

OK, sure I would have like to have had dinner with Mara and the kids tonight, but sitting down in one of Saddam's old palaces and eating a nice turkey on wheat with lettuce and tomato wasn't too bad at all. The photos here are of the palace that is just down the road from where I'm at and is now being used as the American Embassay. I can assure you that these photos do not do the place justice. The craftsmanship that went into this place was unbelievable. Marable everywhere you looked! And here's the question, for a guy who supposively did not have WMDs, why was there a huge mural of 6 missiles being launched into the sky?

BTW: I set up a gmail account. Address is

use it often.

Hope all is well on the home front. All for now.



At 3:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you got soft ice cream with that turkey sandwich.

At 7:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Honey --

We wish you could have had dinner with us tonight too. Gabrielle is telling all the neighbors that you ate in a palace, "and do you know what he ate? A TURKEY SANDWICH!" She's too funny.

Happy blogging!

Your Wife


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