Saturday, March 25, 2006

Last Day at Home

Yesterday I found myself standing in my kitchen with my arms around Mara. We both stood there in silence for a while and finally I told that I "wish I was strong enough to hold back time." Sappy, I know, but it captured our feelings.

Tomorrow morning I head to Fort Bliss, Texas for a week of training. I have tried to do as much as possible with Mara and the kids duirng the past 3 weeks. Trips to the Acquarium, resturants, movies, play dates with friends, and watching Gabrielle play soccer. Its hard to believe that when I get home, Gabrielle will be in 1st grade and Alexander will 4.

The highlight of all these activities for me was the "Daddy/Daughter Dance" that the local Girl Scouts sponsered. This event gave Mara the excuse to "doll up" Gabrielle with a brand new dress and gave me an excuse to put on my Dress Blues so that I could escort my daughter in style.

During the last few weeks, I came to the conclusion that I was attempting to make the house as perfect as possible before I leave. It seemed to me that I was experiencing the same "nesting" instincts that pregnant women experience before they bring home a new child. Only in my case, I was preparing the house for my departure. This will be my 5th major overseas deployment (and my 4th trip into a combat zone), but I can assure you that they don't get any easier.

I guess at a time like this you can either feel sorry for yourself or count your blessings. I have chosen to pick the latter. Last night right before dinner, our next door neighbors appeared at our door and presented me with a beautiful handmade cross for me to take with me. Along with the cross were 3 charms, one for Mara and both kids. Be it on the phone with our family up north, or at church, or at work, or on the phone with old friends, or in our neighborhood with our new friends, we have been overwhelmed with the ourpouring of good wishes for us. Although I have a lot of anxiety about what awaits me, I feel very confident that my family will be in good hands while I'm away.

Next stop:CRC!

Talk to you later


At 6:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is beautiful, Billy.
I love you much...


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