Monday, September 04, 2006

What NOT to send in a care package!

For those of you who are putting together a care package to send to a guy in Iraq, here’s a little bit of advice:

Do NOT send a guy a PINK camouflage note book complete with an assortment of pastel colored pens!

Here’s my poor Lieutenant who was overjoyed to see a huge box arrive for him in the mail. He could hardly contain himself as he pulled out sports magazines, beef jerky, chewing gum, and then….a PINK camouflage note book complete with an assortment of pastel colored pens!

Somewhere in the U.S., there’s someone with either a very twisted sense of humor or no sense at all!


At 2:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TOO FUNNY!!! What a great pic. :)
Love ya,

At 5:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He specifically requested that journal be sent to him.

At 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking good LT - CW3 (No I did not put that into your package - it was those other wimps but then what can you expect from those distinguished fellows - I won't mention where they were trained)


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