Saturday, August 12, 2006

Spot Report

0915 Saturday August 12th, 2006

There was an explosion outside of the green zone this morning, but I think some shrapnel from it hit the skylight window directly above me. Heard a large pop and then had some shreds of glass fall right behind me. It turns out that there was an explosion outside in the Red Zone and the best we can figure out, a piece of shrapnel flew into the window above me and cracked it enough to send some glass down right behind me.


None of the glass hit me or anyone else but it sure got the heart pumping!

Worse part of it all, no Purple Heart! All it would have taken was a nick or cut and I’d be getting a medal pinned on my chest!


At 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously our prayers for your safety are helping... I'm glad you're safe.


At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


We don't want you to get a Purple Heart Medal no matter what the circumstances are.

I remember Marylou's Dad telling the story that he got his Purple Heart during WWII while raiding a wine cellar - he had removed his helmet while ducking through the low doorways and forgot to duck for one of them! I think he had drank enough liberated wine that he barely noticed it!

Jim McD

At 5:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A PH? Be happy with the combat patch collection.
Next you'll be wanting a CAB.
Watch out for those egg shell fragments at breakfast.

Stay safe and drink water.


At 9:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You cannot be too careful!!!
We think about you and pray for you always!!!

Dad & Mom M.


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