Friday, June 16, 2006

A Prize for Mr. or Mrs. 1000th!

When I lasted checked we were up to 951 hits, so we are on the verge of hitting the 1000th Hit Milestone!

Who will it be?

Perhaps you?

Perhaps it will be one of my more dedicated readers like “C”, or “dce”, or “Summer Lori”, or “Anonymous”.

Well, one of my devoted blog readers suggested that I give the 1000th hitter a prize, and really that doesn’t sound like a bad idea. So whoever reaches that milestone will have their choice of any one of these fabulous gifts purchased for them at the local Iraqi street market (that’s not exactly what we call it but I’ll keep my blog family friendly).

The winner will be able to choose from:

- Jeanie shoe (only one)
- A boot leg DVD (actually, you probably won’t get this because due to our stringent trademark laws I won’t be able to mail it to you)
- An authentic replication of a counterfeit Saddam-era Iraqi dollar
- A beautiful Iraqi scarf to hide your infidel face
- My undying gratitude

In order to win this gift you must be able to demonstrate that you indeed were the 1000th hit. Do this by leaving a comment on my blog with the time of the hit.

I’m already getting excited!


At 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I win anything for guessing your age and weight?

At 11:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to win the shoes (only if they're comfortable) and a scarf!


At 3:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going to be at a huge disadvantage b/c we leave for a week's vacation tom. with no computer!!! Summer Lori will have to wait a week before checking back in. Happy blogging:)

At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah man! I was hoping for the 1000th. Or may be that should have been "Amen!"

Saw Maura and the kids this am in the chapelteria, and she gave me this info for the blog. They're looking good (and certainly becoming better and better behaved -- the kids, that is -- particularly when they sit in the front row.) Seeing them is always a bright point of my Sunday. Glad to hear things are really coming along for you.

Congrats on the pending promo! Rather impressive, if I do say so. I look forward to extnding the official congratulations in person.

In the meantime, do know that you remain in our prayers.

Peace and love,
in Christ,
Fr. Dan


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