Saturday, December 16, 2006

The O'Reilly Factor is On....

Factor this...Bill O'Reilly travels to Baghdad.

That's the subject of tonight's Talking Points Memo.

Now everyone knows that Traditionalists are under attack by Secular Progressives all over the country. Don't believe me? Just take a moment to listen to the Kool Aid Drinkers like Stuart Smalley. But one Culture Warrior traveled into the IZ today in order to attack the SP's by saying "MERRY CHRISTMAS" just as loud as he could.

Talking Points Memo believes that seeing O'Reilly was a big boost to the morale of many of our soldiers serving overseas. The line to meet him was so long, your humble correspondent (that would be me) couldn't take the time to wait.

So I decided to keep it pithy by just taking a few photographs. Even Fox News military Analyst COL David Hunt got into the act by taking a photo with any willing Traditionalist.

But will you hear about this in the Mainstream Media? Not a chance.

Talking Points Memo predicts that the New York Times and the LA Times, both far left propaganda machines, will totally ignore Mr. O's visit to Iraq.

So how's looking out for you?

Well Talking Points Memo declares that this blog is firmly on the side of the Traditionalists.

And that's the memo.....

Now for the most ridiculous items of the night.....


At 5:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad that Mr. O'Reilly's visit improved morale over there. See--here's one far left secular progressive who can respond with an open mind. Hope your morale stays up and that your holiday is a safe one!
- E. McVety


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