Friday, December 08, 2006

Oil's Well that Ends Well

Took a trip to the southern oil fields where one of our contractors are working on a number of oil wells to allow them to produce the maximum amount of oil. These wells had been dug back in teh 80's and then just left in place. The more oil wells that we refurbish the more oil Iraq can produce. You can see the effort that is being put into each well. I've also included a cool picture of excess gas being burned off.

This trip was a bit nostalgic for me. These oil fields are in the general vicinity of where I ended up at the end of Desert Storm. As we were driving out to the fields we passed many destroyed Iraqi tanks. I don't know if they were destroyed when I came through here with the 24th Infantry Division or during the 2003 operation.

But it all turned out well.


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