Saturday, November 18, 2006

15 Days of Freedom!

Hello again. I am now back in the IZ after spending 15 days at home for the R&R Leave. Although my internal clock is still trying to figure out what time zone it is in, I wanted to put down some words about the great time I had at home.

Every soldier that is deployed for a year is able to take 15 days of leave at some point during their deployment. After spending 7 months here in Iraq, I was more than ready for a break. I intentionally waited until after my half way point so that I would have the bulk of the deployment behind me. Now that I’m back, I only have a little over 4 months left and I am refreshed and ready to finish up.

The trip back home was a real blessing. Mara and the kids were waiting for me at the airport and we really didn’t have any major plans other than to sit around the house and spend time as a family again.

Mara had the words “Honk To Welcome Our Daddy Home From Iraq” painted on the back of our van and we received honks and waves from people wherever we went (not to mention at least one free beer!).

The major event while I was home was my promotion party. As you can see, fun was had by all. We wanted to make it a “kid friendly” party as well, so we rented an inflatable bouncing tent for the kids to enjoy. We were overwhelmed when the tent arrived and were told that the business had decided not to charge us for it since I had come home from Iraq.

This really amazed us. The name of the company is Laser Sporting of Georgia, and they carrying a full line of inflatable rides for parties. Their web site is and email is and I would ask that if you live near Atlanta to please consider patronizing them for your next kids’ party.

My father and his friend Janice traveled down to be with us as did some very close friends of mine from high school and college.

The rest of my time home was spent just being a “normal dad”. I got to take Gabrielle to school and have lunch with her. Alexander and I ran around and play games together. And Mara and I were able to go out and enjoy dinner and a movie.

When we got ready to go back to the airport, we found that our neighbors had lined street with American Flags and left a sign out for me that said they would miss me and hurry home and that I should wear “God’s Armor”. What a blessing to have friends like that.

Finally at the airport, once all us soldiers had gathered together and were ready to line up to go to the terminal, a VFW member guided us through the airport and announced “Ladies and Gentlemen, these soldiers are on their way back to the war zone, please show them your appreciation”. A large group of travelers got up and began to clap.

I know this sounds like a cliché, but I feel like a new man.


At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a nice blog post! And he's not exaggerating about all the beeps as a result of what was written on the back window! In some sense, it was a relief when we eventually washed it off -- whenever someone honked, I was afraid we'd just cut someone off or something! But it was so heartening to see how many support Bill and all of our soldiers.

The airport experience was wonderful too. I recorded a little videoclip of the airport applause/standing-ovation, but unfortunately cannot find where my computer stored it (it didn't store it in the usual way).

We are grateful to everyone who came to join us in congratulating Bill and spending time with us during his brief stay.

Praying April comes quickly,


At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

People can be idiots...glad to see they can be pretty amazing, too. I have goosebumps, wow.

Was so happy to talk to you over these past few weeks & that you had a good time at home. Please take care & know that I'll be continuing to pray for you...

At 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers always!!
We are very proud of you!
I enjoyed reading this blog and wish I could have been there to experience it.
What great neighbors!
Mom & Dad M.

At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad that our family was able to be there to see you and your wonderful family. We certainly enjoyed the celebration!


At 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Bill!
This is the first time I've ever posted anything on a "Blog," which up until now, I thought to be an unsightly facial blemish. I'm so glad you got to spend some time back in the States with your family--these pictures are great. Wishing you all the best over the holidays.
- E. McVety


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