Thursday, December 21, 2006

It's beginning to look a lot like Iraq!

Well the season is upon us over here but it hard to believe that Christmas is only a few short days away. Many people have taken it upon themselves to make our little slice of the IZ look like home. I have decorated my desk with the Christmas cards that I have recieved; most notably with the hand made cards that my children have sent me. You can see the Sax playing Santa from the dinning hall here and the tree all lit up in the Palace. I think my favorite tree is the small one in the bottom picture. Unlike the others, this is an actually tree. Someone in the states cut it down, wrapped it up and then sent it over via UPS! They have it sitting in a bucket of water to keep the needles going. It's nice to walk by it and actually smell a Christmas Tree.

All is well here. They will have another special meal for us on Christmas day and a group of us plan to get together to go to midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.

I hope everyone back home is safe and sound.



At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always glad to see folks coming together for the holidays.
Hope you're on the "nice" list.
Stay safe and drink egg nog.


At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, there's nothing like the look & smell of a real tree. What a great person to have done that! People can be amazing, huh.
Love you,
Aunt Joy


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