Sunday, March 04, 2007

11 Months Down....1 To Go!

Hello all,

well as of today I have exactly one more month to go on my deployment.

I will hit my 365 BOG (boots on ground) day on 04 April and at that point I will be clear to leave Iraq and travel down to Kuwait for a short stay and then on to Fort Bliss, Texas for a few days and then I head home to Newnan.

If all goes well, I ought to be hugging Mara and the kids at the airport on April 11th.

I'm sure as this month progresses I will start to have a mix of emotions. It will be great to leave Iraq but I have to confess I will miss the satisfaction that this job gave me and I will certainly miss the good people that I was able to work with.

I will try to put into words my overall observations of this past year and post them on my blog throughout the coming days.

See you SOON!


At 1:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Bill"y",

We think of you often and have been praying for your safety daily. I am so happy that I found your address - your dad had given it to us during a visit to Bethany last summer. I just spent the past 2 hours reading your entire site and am in complete make me proud to have known you for so long and - even though we don't see eachother often - proud to be friends with you! You look good and seems to have a great attitude...certainly attributed to all your support and love back in the states...I can't even imagine how difficult it must be for you to be so far away from your family for so long...Hopefully when you get back we can catch up in person. Wishing you only the best of the very best each and every is because of YOU that we can enjoy the things that we have here. No one should ever take that for granted. Safe return dear friend...Take Care...

Love, Michele, Roger and Bethany Schweers

At 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!! Counting down the days with you, Billy!

At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make it your most boring, safest month there.
And drink water.



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